Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring تقودان قائمة أكثر الألعاب لعبًا في Steam Deck

The Steam Deck turned two years old last month, and Valve is celebrating by revealing 100 of the most-played games on the handheld. That list, which spans from March 2023 to March 2024, presents an interesting range of titles.

In the top 10 games are giants like Baldur's Gate 3, Hogwarts Legacy, and Elden Ring, along with relatively smaller hits like Dave the Diver and Palworld.

دعم Steam Deck

Interestingly, several titles aren't fully Steam Deck verified. Some have baseline playability, including Helldivers 2 and Grand Theft Auto V. Meanwhile, Starfield and Granblue Fantasy: Relink lack any Steam Deck support whatsoever.

While that may not fully matter for Starfield, it may explain Granblue being the Steam Deck's 97th most-played game.

According to Valve, the list was determined by the highest daily active player count. Baldur's Gate 3 gets 100K-150K Steam players per day, which should give you an idea of how many are playing it on the Deck.

Some games made the list just by coming out when they did. Others, like Batman: Arkham Knight, may have been helped by getting verified months (or years) after their initial launch.

Conveniently, a majority of the titles on this list are part of Steam's spring sale, which ends on March 21.